## page was renamed from GettingStarted/what-ftp-sftp-protocols-do-you-support-and-how-can-i-use-them '''Question: Which FTP/SFTP/FTPS Protocols Do You Support And How Can I Use Them?''' . Here is the summary of hostnames and protocols we can support for file transfers: {{{ FTP: Supported via: - FTP Proxy to backend ProFTPd installed on our file servers. - Protocol is Passive or PASV FTP. Hosts: - ftp.kattare.com Accounts: - All Shell and FTP-Only accounts. SFTP & SCP: Supported via: - OpenSSH installed on our web servers. - Protocol is SSH File Transfer Protocol. Hosts: - www.yourdomain.com - yourwebserver.kattare.com Accounts: - All Shell accounts. }}} ---- CategoryGettingStarted